What Burns More Calories - An Elliptical Or A Treadmill?
When you hear someone talking about how much exercise does the average woman need to burn calories, you usually hear elliptical and treadmill as if they are synonymous terms. Actually, they aren't. There is a difference between these two exercise machines that makes a difference in your overall results when exercising. Many people who buy home exercise equipment assume that all of the exercises done on the machine will give them the same amount of work out. The truth of the matter is that these machines give you different amounts of workout depending on what type of exercise you do on them. An elliptical or a what burns more calories an elliptical or a treadmillis best used for low-impact cardio exercises. These are simple exercises that don't require a lot of strength. Because they don't use a lot of muscle, they burn fewer calories than many high impact exercises. You should always combine cardiovascular exercises with weight training to get the best results. Yo...